Upcoming ProMIS Neurosciences Investor Call
Monday, May 23, 2016 at 9:18AM
Michael Bigger

If interested, please visit the "Investor Calls" page and submit the required form in order to register and Scott will keep you informed of the call-in details and any other logistics as we move closer to the call. 

A quick note on how Scott likes to treat investor calls. Scott treats the hour or so that we are able to speak with a CEO or management as pretty sacred time; these folks are trying to run a business and, speaking from experience, taking an hour or more out of the day can become a burdensome thing to do. He never records the calls and the recaps of the calls will always be high level and never granular, no matter how much "in the weeds" we get on the call. He does this to encourage openness on the call, and to build trust between himself and the management team. 

You can read Scott's original ProMIS investment thesis here

Of interestPromis Neurosciences Investment Thesis.

Michael Bigger. Follow me on Twitter and StockTwits. 

Article originally appeared on (http://biggercapital.squarespace.com/).
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