The Value of Building a Broadcast Station for Investors and Traders #trading $$
Yesterday, I had an interesting exchange with Jim Gobetz, a trader, who runs a terrific show on StockTwits TV at 8:30am Monday, Wednesday and Friday. He tweeted that he had been wrong regarding $UNG. I replied to his post that I had been making money trading $UNG back and forth using the acc/dist algorithm from Interactive Brokers. That led him to my blog. While reading my blog he reported that it was unclear as to when I launched Bigger Capital. Since I am French Canadian with poor English writing skills that feedback is priceless. I quickly corrected this issue and thanked him for the input. Connecting with smart and generous individuals like Jim is very valuable.
This story leads to the value investors and traders might gain by building their own broadcast station.
Broadcast Station: There are some pretty smart analysts, investors, and traders out there. Some of these folks are downright generous when it comes to sharing ideas, discussing issues, and reporting events and breaking news. They think out loud. Wouldn’t be cool and profitable if you could connect with them and expand your financial knowledge and market intelligence?
You can bond with these individuals using social media tools. One smart way to get started is to broadcast to the world what you have to say that is relevant and worthwhile. Think out loud. Like ants finding the pheromone path to the source of food, smart people using web listening tools will pick up your messages and want to connect with you.
Here is a sampler of the tools Bigger Capital uses to initiate conversations with like-minded individuals:
Twitter: Tweet your short messages. Add a $ in front of any ticker you discuss or a # (hashtag) in front of a topic. Develop a valuable group of followers.
StockTwits: is a community of traders tweeting in real time about stocks, currencies, commodities, etc. StockTwits TV showcases some smart traders discussing trading strategies. Listen to them and learn how they go about it. Follow the ones you find interesting on Twitter and start a conversation with them.
Blog: You are media. Start a blog today using WordPress or Google’s Blogger. It is free and it only takes a few minutes to set up. Initially, if in doubt, view your blog as a scrapbook where you save ideas, etc. If your posts offer value, people will read them.
Facebook: You are most likely using this application. Join financial groups, write status messages relating to the market, etc.
Communities: Google “Financial Forums” and join the ones focused on a topic of interest. Get involved, participate, and start discussions.
Go out there and broadcast your insights to the world. Remember, it works both ways. Broadcast, listen, and initiate conversations.
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