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Build a Trading Algorithm, and Build a Trading Platform

You are a successful trader or an aspiring trader. You should consider expanding your horizons and increasing your profits. Leverage your trading strategy into a trading algorithm and a trading platform.

In 2008, my business partner had a terrific year trading S&P 500 futures against Nasdaq 100 futures. I decided to implement some of his techniques to the single-stock world. The result was a low-volatility strategy ("Strategy 2"). After running Strategy 2 in a trading sandbox and some fine-tuning, Bigger Capital is now making money with it. Our intention now is to start running Strategy 2 in a different trading entity with institutional money in a managed account, accumulate more of a track record, and then launch Strategy 2 in its own partnership vehicle.

The best way to start tinkering with your algorithm is to experiment in a sandbox. See more about this subject right here: http://bit.ly/2dN2C6.

If your broker does not offer a complete suite with application programming interface (API) tools, you might want to open a brokerage account with a different broker. I wrote the following post on how to choose the right online broker for your algorithmic trading business: http://bit.ly/8Qli9Y. Check it out and let me know what you think!

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