OPTT: What I Know and What I Don't Know
Ocean Power Technologies, $OPTT, is a company that makes equipment to harness the power of the ocean's waves and turn them into electricity. Sounds like a great idea, because what I do know is that ocean waves are free and abundant.
What I don't know is how well $OPTT's devices work, their cost efficiency, durability, and the economics of the power generation on a $/kWh basis if you include the manufacture and installation. I have no clue about that. Sure, I have a degree in Engineering from MIT. I could spend the next 6 months learning about their technology, reading patents, talking to engineers, and get up to my elbows in calculus.
But why should I do that when a group of smart people at Lockeed Martin ($LMT) have already done the hard work for me? The fact is, I don't need to do any of that detailed research. I see that $LMT today announced a $200mm deal with $OPTT to build an ocean wave power generation station off the coast of Australia. $LMT is very familiar with $OPTT's technologies and capabilities; the two companies have been working together on smaller projects since 2004 and on this project specifically for about 18 months. If $LMT believes in the future of $OPTT's ocean power harnessing technology, then I know it is a good bet to jump on that ship.
What do you know?
Written by Jennifer Galperin. Follow me on Twitter and StockTwits.
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