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Bigger Capital Small and Micro Caps Competition - Total Prizes $4000

  1. This is a beta test and it is possible that the game malfunctions.  Therefore we have the right to cancel, postpone, or modify the game and its rules at any time.
  2. Grand Prize of $2500 to the winner of the competition and 3 bonus prizes of $500 for the 3 best catalysts (In our opinion). 
  3. This is a small and micro caps competition. The stocks you choose to input must have a market capitalization of less than $500 million at the time of entry for you to be eligible to win.
  4. In addition, in order to be eligible to win, you must input a catalyst for the stocks you trade in this competition at the time you enter your initial ticker or at any time you change your ticker for a new one. The text input of the catalyst must contain at least a 50 words description. You must have a catalyst for each stock. Here is an example of my very lengthy APP catalyst. Of course it does not need to be that long. You can link the catalyst feature to a blog post you have written already for your convenience.
  5. We intend to award the prize to the player who scores the highest on his stock P&L. If more than one player score the same result, we will pick a winner by drawing the names of the players who tied from a hat to determine the ultimate winner of the game.
  6. Under no circumstance can we have more than 1 winner.
  7. Only the players on the Leader Board List will be eligble to win.
  8. The maximum number of players is set at 1000.
  9. The minimum number of players is set at 500. If the minimum is not reached the game will be cancelled.
  10. Each player can play only one spot in this game. They can't come under different twitter handles.
  11. On day one you can pick only 1 stock. If a player picks 2 stocks, the latest pick will be the one we will be using for this participant's score. You can change your ticker as many times as you want during the game using the "Change my Ticker" button.
  12. Anyone working for Bigger Capital or associated to it in any commercial way will not be eligible to win although they can play the game.
  13. Only stocks traded in the United States and for which we have proper quotations can be enter. This includes only Nasdaq, NYSE and Amex stocks. Pink sheet and OTCBB stocks are not eligible.
  14. No restriction on industry and sector.
  15. We will use PayPal to send the payment. We will need the information required by tax authority to send the proper 1099-Misc before sending payment.
  16. If the winner is under the age of 18, the parent or guardian must sign a release authorizing the minor to receive the prize.
  17. If the prize is not claimed 20 days after the game has expired, the prize will go the the player who finishes in second place.
  18. Void where prohibited, regulated or restricted by law in a manner inconsistent with the purposes and rules hereof.  Odds of winning depend upon the number of participants. 
  19. All federal, state and local taxes, and any other taxes, fees and surcharges will be the sole responsibility of the prizewinner. 
  20. The content on Takethisbet.com belongs in its entirety to Bigger Capital, LLC.

Why play the game?

  • Compete
  • Have fun
  • Win prizes by joining promoted multiplayer games
  • Trade discovery
  • Catalyst discovery
  • Increase your social capital
  • Make new trading friends
  • Experiment with trades
  • Teach your kids about the stock market
Why promote a multiplayer game?
  • Easy to set up and play
  • Reach a target audience of serious traders
  • Increased your brand visibility
  • Multiple touch points with prospective customers during the duration of the game
  • Broadens your social media reach through periodic tweets to players
  • Compliments your existing online marketing strategy
  • Interested in promoting a game? Contact us

Interested in accessing TakeThisBet data? 

  • Just go to takethisbet.com and lookup your tickers to access catalysts data.
  • If you are a financial institution interested in our API please Contact us.



Written by Michael Bigger. Follow me on Twitter and StockTwits.      

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