How Long Can You Hold Your Breath?
It is pretty obvious to me and others that there is a ton of value in Sears Holdings ($SHLD). The issue with an investment in SHLD is that Eddie Lampert is asking you to jump in the pool with him and hold your breath for potentially a period of time of 10 to 20 years before he catalyzes the situation and allows you to come back to the surface. It could happen more quickly of course. Why would he show you his cards?
Most investors are not ready to wait that long...and Eddie is slowly stealing the company away from investors a la Michael Dell but in a more subtle way. He knows you can't hold you breath.
If you make the determination you can hold your breath for that long, by all mean, jump in the pool.
Written by Michael Bigger. Follow me on Twitter and StockTwits.
Reader Comments (1)
Sears might have value on retail real estate.
Strange to see that you buy amazon and still find value in Sears which can not compete with online retailer or wallmart.
What will be worth retail real estate when all brick and mortar retailers are going to sell their shops ?
I don't see how these cand of business can make money when you can find the same things online, cheaper and you don't need to move.
Do you think he will transform SHLD into a Brekshire ?