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An Alzheimer's Watershed Event on our Doorstep?

Nature Journal recently published this article pointing to the existence of different clinical subtypes or strains of Alzheimer's.
The article topic shines a bright light on ProMis Neurosciences (PMN.TO), a small Canadian biotech company, that has postulated the existence 5 different strains of Alzheimer's and has used its algorithms and computers to identified 5-epitopes characteristic of prion strains of A-beta. ProMis has developed 5-monoclonal antibodies (mabs) that bind to these prions epitopes-stopping their propagations and toxicity in animal models.
ProMis has a potentially transformative event over the next 2 months. It is in the midst of a +100 Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF) Cohort investigation from Cadavers of confirmed Alzheimer's victims. It will provide insight into the prevalence of different A-beta strains and their association with more or less progressive subtypes of the disease. The results of this study are expected in Q1 of this year.
These results could change the way we think about Alzheimer's as being one disease with a one size therapeutic fitting all to Alzheimer's being a disease with a few subtypes, each requiring a specific therapeutic for treatment, effectively turning the Alzheimer's world upside down.
Alzheimer's research could be a large beneficiary. The research community could use these ProMis mabs to pursue different avenues of research along these subtypes for the ultimate defeat of Alzheimer's disease. That is a big deal.
Stay tuned!
Michael Bigger and Eden Rahim. You can follow Michael on Twitter and StockTwits.

 We are long Promis Neurosciences.

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